

Reimagine Omaha's Homeless Response:
Culture, Innovation, Lived Empowerment

Pioneering all the strategies to Drive Cultural Change, Identify Gaps,
and Ensure Accountability in Homeless Services

Systemwide Training and Auditing

Innovative Project Host

Elevate And Uplift Lived Experience

Housing Stability

Systemwide Training and Auditing

This is the team’s guiding light and first priority. There is a fundamental cultural shift necessary within the Omaha metro homeless response system, and this strategy supports providers and leadership within this shift, while simultaneously holding accountability for critical change on behalf of unhoused people.

Through qualitative and quantitative data gathering, such as 1-on-1 interviews, focus groups, secret shops, and already available data, our team will identify the needs and gaps in services, as well as create and offer system wide training based off identified seeds and gaps.

Diverse colleagues sit in circle have fun talking on business training with coach, multiethnic workers discuss ideas engaged in educational meeting, employees involved in teambuilding activity

Innovative Project Host

This strategy offers a supportive “host home” to innovative, mission-aligned projects and initiatives that further Reimagine’s vision to establish a standard of care that prioritizes innovative and humanitarian practices. Reimagine hosts projects that contribute to the mission of rebuilding systems that impact unhoused people and housing programs in the Greater Omaha Metro Area such as MHC.

Elevate And Uplift Lived Experience


  • Advise and inform meaningful system change
  • Stories and experiences are valuable data that drive decision making
  • Lived expertise enriches our system to help drive goals and strategies
  • “Nothing about us without us”: decisions within the system should always include impacted individuals
  • Empowers and supports unhoused individuals to meet their needs
The concept of Reimagine represented by wooden letter tiles


  • Systemwide structure for people with lived experience to be supported in their roles, with Reimagine partnership in addressing challenges and tokenism
  • Systemwide structure for people with lived experience to have a paid expert role in decision making, design and implementation activities without being employed by traditional non-profit

Housing Stability

The Housing Stability Program helps individuals and families experiencing homelessness in our community by emphasizing prevention, diversion and rapid exit. Through a human-centered approach, Reimagine Housing Stability Specialists will ensure that each person experiencing homelessness has a say in identifying goals and needs through shared accountability. The goal is to empower clients to tap into their own strengths and encourage connection to supports and wrap-around services to achieve long-term housing stability.

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